Past EAC-CLAS Lectures
Fall 2024–Spring 2025
- Dale Kinney, “The Mongrel Beauty of Rome’s Medieval Churches” (September 9, 2024)
- Deborah Deliyannis, “The Twelve Apostles in Early Christianity: Orthodoxy and Ambiguity” (October 7, 2024)
- Paolo Liverani, “The South-eastern Edge of Rome, from the Lateran to S. Croce in Late Antiquity” (November 13, 2024)
- Andrew Griebeler, “Medusa Underwater: The Basilica Cistern and the Remaking of Myth in Late Antiquity” (December 5, 2024)
Fall 2023–Spring 2024
- Andrea U. De Giorgi, “Of Earthquakes, Divine Wrath, and Rebirth: Antioch During Late Antiquity” (October 19, 2023)
- Cassandra Casias, “Mothers in the World of the Cappadocian Fathers” (November 9, 2023)
- Henry Gruber, “The Plundering of the Late Roman West” (January 25, 2024)
- Julia Hillner, “Violence as a Measure of Value: Imperial Women and Regime Change in Late Antiquity” (February 15, 2024)
- Susanna Elm, “Forever Young and Beautiful: Masculinity and Imperial Representation in the Early Theodosian Age” (March 21, 2024)
Fall 2022–Spring 2023
- Margaret M. Andrews, “Sisters and Saints: A Virginal Landscape in Late Antique and Early Medieval Rome” (September 15, 2022)
- Audrey Becker, “The Court Facing the Death of Zeno, Anastasius and Justinian: How to Avoid Chaos” (October 13, 2022)
- David Brakke, “Early Christian Scholars and their ‘New Testaments’: From Basilides of Alexandria to Eusebius of Caesarea” (February 23, 2023)
- Nicola Denzey Lewis, “Of Dolls and Doubles: Thinking Through the Materiality of Some Late Ancient Grave Goods” (April 25, 2023)
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
- Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, “Constantine, Christians, and Civitates: A Case Study of Autun (Augustodunum)” (September 30, 2021)
- Mika Ahuvia, “Angels in Late Antique Judaism” (October 28, 2021)
- Judith Lieu, “Reading and Writing Other People’s Letters” (December 2, 2021)
- Megan Nutzman, “One God who Conquers Evil Amulets and Communal Identity in Roman and Late Antique Palestine” (February 10, 2022)
- Jae Hee Han, “Contextualizing the Manichaean Bema Festival in the Roman Empire” (March 24, 2022)
Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
- Michele R. Salzman (UC, Riverside), “Constantine and the Bishops: A Fraught Relationship” (September 10, 2020)
- Kimberly Bowes (University of Pennslyvania), “Reframing the Roman Peasant” (October 22, 2020)
- Michael Penn (Stanford University), “Digital Approaches to Late Antiquity” (November 12, 2020)
- Michal Bar-Asher Siegal (Ben Gurion University of the Negev), “Working with a Biologist to Better Understand the Talmud: Network Analysis and Jewish-Christian Interactions” (March 8, 2021)
- Eve Macdonald (Cardiff University), “Aphrodite in Persia: The Female Body in the Sasanian Empire” (April 5, 2021)
Fall 2019 – Spring 2020
- Dennis Trout (University of Missouri), “Lucretius in Seventh Century Rome? Epigraphic Verse and the Seductions of Intertextuality” (September 25, 2019)
- James Redfield (Saint Louis University), “Stranger than Fiction: Talmudic Paradoxography” (October 21, 2019)
- Maria Doerfler (Yale University), “Burying the Emperor’s Son: Valens, Valentinian, and the Legacy of Basil in a Syriac Funerary Hymn” (November 14, 2019)
- Rebecca Falcasantos (University of Virginia), “Where the Nations Come Together? Religious Diversity and Ritual Transfer in Late Antique Pilgrimage & Festival Culture (February 12, 2020)
Fall 2018 – Spring 2019
- Andrew Jacobs (Scripps College), “Gender, Conversion, and the End of Empire in The Teaching of Jacob, Newly Baptized” (October 11, 2018)
- Jan Bremmer (University of Groningen), “Eucharist and Agapê in the Later Second Century: the Case of the Older Apocryphal Acts and the Pagan Novel” (October 22, 2018)
- Nicola Denzey Lewis (Claremont Graduate University), “Rewiring the Sacred Circuit: Damasus and the Depositio martyrum” (November 29, 2018)
- Thomas Arentzen (University of Oslo), “Between Abjection and Seduction: Adventures in Late Ancient Holy Week” (January 22, 2019)
- Niki Clements (Rice University), “Foucault the Confessor” (February 21, 2019)
Fall 2017 – Spring 2018
- Lynda Coon (University of Arkansas) “Gender and Our Dark Age Lord” (September 12, 2017)
- Christine Shepardson (University of Tennessee) – “Hell of a Wrong Eucharist: Ritual Distinction and Community Identity in 6th Century Syriac Christianity” (October 25, 2017)
- Steven Fine (Yeshiva University), “Menorahs in Color: Polychromy and the History of Judaism in Roman Antiquity” (November 7, 2017)
- Gary Vikan – “The Shroud of Turin: A Journey of Discovery” (January 25, 2018)
- Noel Lenski (Yale University), “Roman Refugees: Settling Extra-Territorial Peoples Inside a World Empire” (February 1, 2018)
Fall 2016 – 2017
- Clare K. Rothschild (Lewis University and Stellenbosch University) “The Muratorian Fragment as Fraud” (September 19, 2016)
- Susan Stevens (Randolph College) “Incorporating Christian communities in North Africa. Churches as bodies of communal history” – Inaugural Maureen Tilley Memorial Lecture (October 14, 2016)
- Karl Shuve (UVA) “The Valentinians and the Transformation of the Nuptial Metaphor in Early Christianity” (November 3, 2016)
- Zsuzsanna Gulácsi (Northern Arizona University) “Tatian’s Diatessaron and the New Testament Scenes of the St. Augustine Gospels in the collection of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge” (March 2, 2017)
- Rachel Neis (University of Michigan) “Reproduction, Hybridity, and the Question of Species in Classical Rabbinic Thought” (April 4, 2017)
Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
- Jordan Pickett (University of Michigan) “Riot at the Baths, Murder at the Fountains” (September 14, 2015)
- David Frankfurter (Boston University) “Christianizing the Egyptian Religious Landscape” (October 9, 2015)
- Douglas Boin (St. Louis University) “History ‘as it really was’?: The Material Turn and the Rise of Christianity” (October 29, 2015)
- Warren Smith (Duke Divinity School) “Gregory of Nyssa and the New Idolatry” (November 10, 2015)
- Derek Kreuger (UNC-Greensboro), “The Transmission of Liturgical Joy in Byzantine Hymns on the Resurrection” (January 22, 2016)
- Scott F. Johnson (University of Oklahoma) “‘The Stone the Builders Rejected’: Liturgical and Exegetical Irrelevancies in the Piacenza Pilgrim” (February 24, 2016)
- Benjamin Dunning (Fordham University) “John Chrysostom and Same-Sex Eros in the History of Sexuality” (March 8, 2016)
Fall 2014-Spring 2015
- Erika Hermanowicz (University of George) “Bishops, Economic Networks, and Ownership of Land in Roman North Africa” (September 11, 2014)
- Gregory Kalas (UT Knoxville) “Ritual and Spatial Experience in the Late Antique Roman Forum” (September 29, 2014)
- Catherine Chin (UC Davis), “Toward a Non-Human History of Late Antiquity” (November 6, 2014)
Fall 2013 – Spring 2014
- Judith Evans Gruffs (Emory University), “Sinner, Slave, and Saint: The Enslavement of St. Patrick” (September 23, 2013)
- Meredith Riedel (Duke Divinity School), “The Unknowability of God: The Role of Scripture in the Orthodox Theology of Divine Darkness” (November 7, 2013)
- Jodi Magness (UNC Chapel Hill), “Samson in Stone: New Discoveries in the Ancient Galilean Village and Synagogue of Huqoq” (January 15, 2014)
- Stephen Shoemaker (University of Oregon and the National Humanities Center), “The Apocalypse of Empire: Imperial Eschatology in Late Antiquity and Early Islam” (March 6, 2014)
- Robin Darling Young (Catholic University of America), “The Second Life of Gnosis: Evagrius, Didymus, and their Revival of Origen in Late Fourth Century Egypt” (April 7, 2014)
Fall 2012 – Spring 2013
- Michael Penn (Mt. Holyoke College/National Humanities Center), “Changing Times, Changing Texts: Syriac Christian REactions to the Rise of Islam” (October 25, 2012)
- Charlotte Roueché (Director, Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College), “Performers and their audiences: locating the evidence” (November 14, 2012)
- Robert Frakes (Clarion University), “In Search of the Collator of the Collatio Legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum” (November 29, 2012)
- Amy-Jill Levine (Vanderbilt University, Divinity School), “The Jewish New Testament” (February 20, 2013)
- Annette Yoshiko-Reed (University of Pennsylvania), “When did the Rabbis become Pharisees?” (March 8, 2013)
Fall 2011 – Spring 2012
- Giovanni Cecconi (University of Florence), “‘Old’ and ‘New’ Paganism and the conversion of the Late Antique West: An Interpretive Model”
- Cavan Concannon (ACLS Visiting Fellow in Classics and Religion, Duke University), “Not for an Olive Wreath, But Our Lives: Gladiators, Athletes, and Early Christian Bodies in Roman Greece”
- Simone Beta (University of Siena, Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks), “Playing with words in Constantinople: the Collections of Byzantine Riddles”
- Deborah Green (University of Oregon), “No Way Out: Chastity and Chastisement in God’s Garden” (Feb. 1, 2012)
- John Gager (Princeton University), “Turning the World Upside-Down: An Ancient Jewish Life of Jesus” (Mar. 28, 2012)
- Robin Darling Young (Notre Dame), “Melania in the Eyes of Evagrius” (Apr. 10, 2012)
Lecture Posters